Work on the plane, officially named Shisaku Enkyori Sentoki, the Army Experimental Long-Range Fighter and designated Ki-83, proceeded rather slowly and the first of the four prototypes built was not ready until October 1944. His flight took place on November 18, 1944 from the Kagamigahara airfield. The first flight tests showed the excellent properties of the new fighter. The Ki-83 was easy and correct to fly, had good climb and high top speed, although no trials were possible at full engine power. Nevertheless, a speed of 655 km / h was achieved at an altitude of 5,000 m, and during post-war tests in the hands of the Americans, even 762 km / h at an altitude of 7,000 m! Thus, the Ki-83 turned out to be the fastest Japanese fighter built during World War II. Moreover, despite the fact that the Army did not demand it in its order, the plane had excellent maneuverability, especially in vertical maneuvers. The offensive armament of the aircraft, consisting of four cannons, was placed in the lower part of the nose of the aircraft. Additionally, on the external hooks under the wings, it is possible to attach two light fragmentation bombs weighing 30 or 50 kg or additional fuel tanks. The main fuel tank was located in the fuselage between the pilot's and radiotelegraph operator's cabins. Further fuel tanks were in the wings. All tanks were fitted with a self-sealing lining. Mitsubishi Ki-83 never entered mass production. Technical data: length: 12.5 m, wingspan: 15.5 m, height: 4.6 m, maximum speed: 705 km / h, speed of climb: 16.7 m / s, maximum range: 1950 km, maximum ceiling 12600 m.
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